We could all use a bit of cheering up! So, we’re giving away three Gatskis in the next three weeks (one each week). It’s a giveaway series we’re calling, “Peaceful Waters.” All of these pieces are “water-related!” The first piece we’re giving away is a tabletop Sailboat Sculpture. We will ship all the Gatski Giveaway pieces on April 30 to their respective winners. Best of luck!
Jennifer Gray
Y’all are beautiful folks and artisans! Always waiting to see the next amazing piece you’ll create! I know I treasure mine.
Kate Gatski
Thank you so very much for your incredible kindness and support! It truly means more than you know. It is so very encouraging. Thank you!
Mark Disabella
This is great!Thank you both for this opportunity and cheering me up. I love folk art of all types and especially love your fish. I’m now following you on Instagram and FB and hopefully be inspired to start creating again. I’ve had a down time for several years and you’re message has awoken me.
Thanks again
Mark Disabella
Kate Gatski
Thank you Mark for taking the time to write. We are so glad to hear you that this has brought you some joy. That makes us very happy to hear! We wish you all the best, and hope you will stay in touch!