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  • Jan092010

    100 Artists Show “Nourish & Sustain”- The Honeybee

    We are very happy to give you the first look at our Gatski Metal piece for the 100 Artists Show, “Nourish & Sustain” – presented by the Mary Lou Zeek Gallery. We were among the 100 artists to be sent a large empty food can to be used as a starting point for our piece of art. Artwork will be

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  • Jan092010

    Winter Reading- The River Cottage Cookbook

    My dear sister gave me The River Cottage Cookbook by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall for Christmas. I just began perusing it last evening. Sitting by the fire, waiting for our Friday night pizza to finish baking. It was a a lovely moment. The River Cottage Cookbook is rich with tips and inspiration- familiar yet fresh. As I work my way through it-

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  • Jan072010

    We’re In Niche Magazine!

    The Steel Fork is featured in Niche Magazine. We’re thrilled! Thank you!

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  • Jan042010

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year to all our dear friends and customers! We are excited. We had a lovely “at home” vacation over the holidays. It was restful and invigorating. Our minds were free to imagine the possibilities of the coming year. There are many. We’re looking forward to growing The Steel Fork; more beautiful creations and more stories from the farm.

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  • Dec092009

    Happy Holidays- We can ship Ground until…

    We’re very merry, merry up here on the hill. The big brown truck comes every day. We thought we would give you a general idea of how long you can ship ground . We can also ship overnight. Please do let us know if you have any special requests. We drop ship

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  • Nov292009


    It is a wonderful time of year to remind ourselves of the glorious word…. Slow. It is so easy to forget, I know. We are particularly fond of the idea of “Slow Food.” This term was coined by the Slow Food organization… Here is how they describe themselves… Slow Food is an eco-gastronomic member-supported organization that was founded in 1989

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  • Nov252009

    Gatski Metal’s Top 4 Thank Yous

    It has been a raucous year. The economic forecast vapors even drift up here. We’re very Thankful that Thanksgiving is here. Thank you for… 1. Doing an allstar job bringing Gatski Metal to their customers The Fanny Garver Gallery (Madison, WI), HumanArts (Ojai, CA), Ataz (Edina, MN), Home & Planet (Bethlehem, PA), Whyevernot (Mystic, Ct), Heron Gallery (Kent, CT) 2.

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  • Nov182009

    NonPareil Feature

    I do love a Nonpareil. For me, it’s just the right mix. Just like it’s namesake in the blog world… Nonpareil brings us just the right mix of handmade style. It is very inspiring and also very approachable. A very inviting combination. The Steel Fork is featured on Nonpareil.. click here to check it out.

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  • Nov152009

    The Pigs Are Out

    We raise Berkshire pigs, they are considered a Heritage breed. According to Local Harvest, Berkshires are, “a first class black pig with excellent lean meat.” Just yesterday we finished our paddock fencing in the woods. They will now enjoy rooting up stumps looking for grubs, acorns and other nuts. They were having a Sunday morning snooze in the straw when

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  • Nov042009

    Terroir What?

    As you may know Ben quit college and started an organic dairy business. After 5 years, he sold his cows and we started Gatski Metal. He kept one cow, Rene. He has milked her and her progeny ever since . The milk is good. It changes; a reflection of what the cows are eating. There seems to be

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