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All Craft. A Recipe to Make it Pay- Coming Soon!

All Craft. A Recipe to Make it Pay- Coming Soon!
April 3, 2012 MePush Web Team


The “All Craft. A Recipe to Make It Pay” project is in full swing.

Ben and I threw our schedule to the four winds- and have focused our “extra time” on this project.  Many mornings around 5 AM  you might find us in deep discussion about how we make our full-time craft pay. On the weekends, I hustle on the keyboard while Ben chases our three children (six and under) and builds “saw mills and vegetable stands”  in the living room.  It has been a little hectic.

Thankfully, our Recipe is now in the capable hands of copy editor Erica Midkiff. We are thrilled to be working with her. Our recipe will be simple, compelling and extremely useful. Needless to say, we need Erica’s expertise.

Despite my librarian’s best advice-  I always judge a book by it’s cover. I am very lucky to be working with Mundania Horvath who will design our Recipe cover. I can’t wait to keep you posted on the design progress.

In the meantime, please let your friends know about our project. They can sign up here!

All Craft will be officially introduced on April 25th!

Image above is a fabulous design by Mundania Horvath of Reconstructing Ideas!

Comments (2)

  1. rebecca 12 years ago

    Can’t wait to read more. Your cover has strength, immediacy and of course that Gatski positive vibe!!

  2. kate 12 years ago

    Thank You!!!!

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