Welcome! Thank you for being here. I would like to introduce you to my new project…
All Craft. A Recipe to Make it Pay
I believe
You are talented, creative and thoughtful. You apply artistry and skill to create a unique and beautiful object because you love doing it. But you also want to make a living from your craft, and you can.
I know
Your craft can support your life. It can pay all of your bills. It can pay for your insurance and retirement benefits. It can pay for investments, travel and college funds for your kids. Your craft can do what any decent “normal” job can do.
So I
So I did what I have always loved to do. I wrote. I created a Recipe in the form of an ebook. It is a 44 page ebook (in pdf format). You can purchase it for $8 and read it on your computer or print it and read it.
This project is the beginning of a conversation, it will take place right here. I hope that you will join me. We will chat about making the Recipe work for you and how you will maintain it as a daily practice. I will help you.
I’m looking forward to it!
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