Happy Friday! It’s time for #RuralTrivia.
What are They Looking for?
Wanted Spent Foul.
Looking for spent foul
flocks, 100 or more, red,
white or gray.
Hop on over to our facebook page or let us know in the comments here!
Happy Friday! It’s time for #RuralTrivia.
What are They Looking for?
Wanted Spent Foul.
Looking for spent foul
flocks, 100 or more, red,
white or gray.
Hop on over to our facebook page or let us know in the comments here!
1 comment
So spent “fowl” would probably be old laying hens that they are going to process. We are guessing they mean Rhode Island Reds, Cornish Crosses and Leghorns – by Red, White or Gray.
We had a winner over on Facebook
Thanks everyone!