Dear friends,
Not long ago you started sending us photos of your pieces in their homes. It may have started with the santa hat on the moose head, I’m not really sure, and we have been treasuring them ever since.
We are always so amazed to see our pieces in your beautiful spaces. And, we feel honored that you have chosen to live with our work.
We are also grateful that you take the time to send a photograph along to us. We do love to receive those emails.
Henceforth, we decided to establish a collection of your photos called, A Gatski At Home. We will continue to add to it regularly (please do keep sending those photos).
Thank you for your very generous contribution to this special place “A Gatski At Home.”
With gratitude,
Ben and Kate
P.S. Many of you have named your sculptures, particularly the animals, and we love hearing about these names (often far more clever than what we would come up with). We hope to hear more!