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Happy New Year

Happy New Year dear friends,

I hope this turn of the year finds you well! All is well here on the hill. We are very thankful to have had a very busy holiday season. Our Star Tree Toppers were very popular this season. Ben made oodles of them. Thanks to our Etsy shop for making that happen! Thank you also to those of you who gave Gatski Gifts. It means so much to us when you choose to give a Gatski to your loved ones! Many thanks!

It’s onward in 2024 now! We’re looking forward to creating some fun custom pieces this month. We’re working on a custom flag for a roof cap. Fun fact: it’s for a roof that Ben can see way over yonder from the back of his shop (a distant neighbor). Speaking of neighbors, we’re also working with Ben’s mom (also a very close neighbor 🙂 on an art piece to enter into a regional gallery show called, Books Undone, The Art of Altered Books. I’m looking forward to sharing more in-progress pics of that project soon! I can say for sure that there is no doubt that Ben and his mom have great artistic abilities and three-dimensional minds. Love it! More soon! To round out our custom projects for the month, Ben is created a very custom shower door handle. A little more functional, for sure! Although it’s not for a neighbor, it will find home in a neighboring town. Does that count? We’re living local this month!

I am looking forward to getting caught up with some of my more tedious administrative duties, and then I can get back to sharing more with you all! Hip! Hip! Hooray!

As always, let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Thanks for being here! And, we’re so happy to stay in touch! – Kate



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