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Rural Adventures- The Tractor Pull

I love reading about what you’re doing these summer weekends. From what I “hear,” you’re going to farmers markets, carnivals and arts festivals.  You’re eating ice cream, gobbling berries and enjoying big breakfasts. Hooray for you! It is summer after all– and summer is so delightfully indulgent. Let’s go at it with gusto!

For some, this idea of “full throttle” livin’ is quite literal. Meet the tractor pullers.


Tractor pulling is a sport where souped up tractors pull a heavy “sled.” The tractor that pulls the sled the farthest wins. One of our former employees is an avid tractor puller. We’ve been known to enjoy a little noise, dirt, smoke and horsepower ourselves.

This is my first ever video. I’m practicing to videotape Ben taking the torches to our pickup truck. Stay Tuned.

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