Hello trivia masters! This past summer we launched our first ever Rural Trivia series. It all started when I asked you if you knew which farm machinery came in lime green (there are several – but I was looking for Deutz Allis). Fellow artists The Geiman’s declared, “You should start Rural Trivia!” Alas – so it was born.
After that blessed day every Friday I asked a trivia question like,
What sport do you do in the summer with a sled?
What is this? → Hyd Cylinders, T-Rod, Beaters, Endgate, Front Splash Guard, 177 Bushel, 540 PTO
Although we found out that you (and google) are smarter than we are – we will not be deterred.
It is fall, and we’re ready to rock the rural trivia. We’re determined to stump you.
Tune in here, on facebook, or twitter every Friday at 11:00 AM EST for Rural Trivia. The first person to respond with the right answer gets a special Gatski prize (probably a Gatski Metal travel mug).
Answers: Tractor Pulling • A Manure Spreader