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Finding a Gatski

Let’s put ourselves a half mile off the road, in the middle of the hills of Pennsylvania, and sell art.

It’s not the most likely of plans. But then again, I guess it’s all about perspective, isn’t it?

From the top of the hill, watching deer graze in the fields below and hawks soar by, all seems well. There’s so much inspiration. And even from the very bottom, where the hard road meets our dirt driveway, our plan holds up. There’s an extra-large mailbox for postal packages and a little shed for UPS pick-ups — along with plenty of room to turn a big truck around (logistics are covered).

But in between inspiration and logistics, things can get a little shaky. Like, how do we find you (our friends and customers)? Because after all, we do need someone to share our work with. And you’re not lingering in the woods along our driveway — which would be lovely for us, but which you might find a bit tiresome.

The truth is that although our original plan may have been lacking in certain areas — like how to share our work with real, live people — you have made up the difference. You have gone to great lengths to find us — online and in person. You have figured out how to spell Gatski. You have searched for all kinds of metal animals and found our work. You have turned up on our unmarked dirt road. You have found us. And that we find remarkable!

Most recently, we were grateful that our friend Michael came to pick up an order for his lovely folk art gallery. It’s always a pleasure to see him, and we would love to see you as well — whether it’s on top of our hill in rural Pennsylvania or in our new online home (which we hope to launch in November)!

Thank you for finding us.

To read more about our everyday life making art pieces, please consider signing up for our email newsletter. We aim to give an honest depiction of this life, to include behind-the-scenes action, comical moments, and stories about how our pieces came to be—not to mention the first chance at special discounts. We would love to have you join us there! You can sign up here.

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  • Congratulations on the new website! It’s beautiful. I wish I could come to Pennsylvania to see your shop and work in person . . . but you have made it all very accessible here. Love your work.

    • A
      Kate Gatski


      Thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful comment. We really appreciate that. Thanks also for taking the time to check out our new website, and for the feedback. We’re very glad to hear that you have found it, “accessible.” That is great news! Thanks again! We’re looking forward to staying in touch. All the best, Kate