today [all in a Monday]
milk cows (Ben)
get children up & ready
prep for office assistant (Kate)
shoot cow & cut up (Ben)
make jewelry box, necklace & spy scope (Kate & Hazel)
eat leftover Chinese
cut up old barn wood for moose antlers (Ben)
finish welding deer heads (Ben)
read & ponder The Creative Class (Kate)
follow up on late invoices, file sales tax, call bank (Kate)
take photos of new tables (kate – see below)
make stew
think about blogging & general worthiness of my blogging efforts
wrote this
it’s 4:26 pm
even if you didn’t happen to shoot and cut up a cow* in the middle of your Monday – isn’t amazing what you can do in a day?
there was some laundry, cleaning and a bunch of changed diapers in there too.
here’s to coming clean on what’s all in a Gatski day!
*Ben’s great grandfather was a butcher – there is instinctive knowledge and appreciation for butchering in the Gatski family.
1 comment
aunt sue
oh my heart…and i think i had a full day. WELL DONE, KATE AND BEN. both the doing and the sharing of the do’s….or is it better said, the done’s???? loved reading this!!!